Where do we offer the Remake programme?
The programme is available at our Cape Town branch only. We select up to 125 participants annually through our recruitment and shortlisting process.
Previously known as TradeUp. We help seamstresses start or grow their small businesses through their creativity, design and sewing skills. You will learn how to develop your product, how to design, create patterns and access new markets, grow your customer base, and most importantly increase the financial sustainability of your sewing business.
The programme is available at our Cape Town branch only. We select up to 125 participants annually through our recruitment and shortlisting process.
The programme
To qualify, you must:
Open Days will be announced via our Facebook page. Attend an Open Day for more information and to begin the interview process.
NB: The Remake programme is only available in Cape Town and there are only 3 intakes per year.
Applications Closed
TCB – Taking Care of Business is a non-profit company that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills and resources they need to unlock their full potential and access the economy.
NPO number: 081-505-NPO | PBO number: 930032046